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__Kubra Sait

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What is the difference between the Academic and General IELTS?

What is the difference between the Academic and General IELTS?

Published 2024-02-15Viewed 66 times
Property 'refresh' does not exist on type 'NextRouter'.ts

Property 'refresh' does not exist on type 'NextRouter'.ts

Published 2023-06-03Viewed 110 times
When someone's profile says "1st" next to their name in LinkedIn

When someone's profile says "1st" next to their name in LinkedIn

Published 2023-05-20Viewed 105 times
What forever FOSS means?

What forever FOSS means?

Published 2023-05-20Viewed 104 times
Understanding Python String Slices: Handling Indices Beyond the String Length

Understanding Python String Slices: Handling Indices Beyond the String Length

Published 2023-05-20Viewed 111 times
Python Strings Slices
What would be the result in Python 2 if we executed the following code: print(10/2)?

What would be the result in Python 2 if we executed the following code: print(10/2)?

Published 2023-05-13Viewed 113 times
What is WebGPU ?

What is WebGPU ?

Published 2023-05-13Viewed 127 times
WebGPUAdvancements GPUProgrammingRevolution FutureOfWebGraphics
Can you explain why PEP 8 recommends ending Python files with a newline character?

Can you explain why PEP 8 recommends ending Python files with a newline character?

Published 2023-05-13Viewed 139 times
PythonEnhancementProposal8 PEP8Guidelines NewlineCharacter CodeStyleBestPractices ProgrammingConventions ParsingIssues CodeFormatting PythonFiles DevelopmentStandards TextEditorWarnings
Locating data volumes in Docker Desktop (Windows)

Locating data volumes in Docker Desktop (Windows)

Published 2023-05-06Viewed 124 times
Delete & turn off AWS config

Delete & turn off AWS config

Published 2023-04-30Viewed 130 times